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For many years in the early to mid-1800s, America and Britain agreed upon "joint occupancy" of the Oregon Territory. America claimed land all the way up to the 54040' while Britain claimed land as far south as the 420 .

President Polk was elected and he encouraged Manifest Destiny, stating that America's destiny included as much land gain as possible. Part of that was the entire Oregon territory. There were threats of war over the land. (Common slogan: Fifty-four Forty or fight!)

Moderation won out over calls for war and the 49th parallel was agreed to as the place of the divide, America getting all land south and the UK, all land north in the Oregon Treaty.

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Zula Muller

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For many years in the early to mid-1800s, America and Britain agreed upon "joint occupancy" of the Oregon Territory. America claimed land all the way up to the 54040' while Britain claimed land as far south as the 420 .

President Polk was elected and he encouraged Manifest Destiny, stating that America's destiny included as much land gain as possible. Part of that was the entire Oregon territory. There were threats of war over the land. (Common slogan: Fifty-four Forty or fight!)

Moderation won out over calls for war and the 49th parallel was agreed to as the place of the divide, America getting all land south and the UK, all land north in the Oregon Treaty.

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What two nations claimed the Oregon territory in 1818?

U.S. and Britain

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United States and Great Britain jointly controlled the Oregon territory.