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Centripetal Acceleration is the ratio of the square of the velocity and radius


So if we change the velocity of the circulating object or change the radius of the revolution, centripetal acceleration is changed

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Q: What agents would cause a change in centripetal acceleration?
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How does centripetal acceleration depend upon the object's speed and the radius of the circle?

Centripetal acceleration is directly proportional to the square of the object's speed and inversely proportional to the radius of the circle. This means that as the speed of the object increases, the centripetal acceleration increases, while a larger radius decreases the centripetal acceleration.

Does change in direction cause acceleration?

Yes, a change in direction does result in acceleration, specifically in the form of centripetal acceleration. This acceleration is directed towards the center of the circular path and is essential for an object to maintain its curved trajectory.

Do all points along the minute hand of a clock experience the same centripetal acceleration?

no. cause the angle apeed is differet in each point of the minute hand. a=w*w*r. SO, the centripetal acceleration is different.

What are the 3 things that can cause a change in acceleration?

Three things that can cause a change in acceleration are a change in the net force acting on an object, a change in the object's mass, or a change in the direction of the force acting on the object.

Does acceleration cause change in motion?

Yes, acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so it can cause a change in an object's motion by either speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction.

What can forces cause a change in?

A force causes an acceleration. That implies that it will change: * The velocity, and * The momentum.

What are 4 agents that cause landforms to change?

Four agents that cause landforms to change are weathering (physical or chemical breakdown of rocks), erosion (transportation of weathered material), deposition (settling of eroded material), and tectonic activity (movement of Earth's lithosphere plates).

What causes a change in acceleration and velocity?

A change in acceleration is caused by a change in the net force acting on an object, according to Newton's second law (F=ma). A change in velocity is caused by acceleration, so whenever there is a change in acceleration, there will also be a change in velocity.

What agents of change cause landscape in the Cascade Mountain?

Agents of change that cause landscape changes in the Cascade Mountains include volcanic activity, glaciation, erosion by water and ice, and human activities such as logging and development. These forces shape the landforms, vegetation, and overall ecosystem of the Cascade Mountains over time.

What is a force that cause an object move in circle?

Centripetal force is the force that causes an object to move in a circle. It acts towards the center of the circle and keeps the object in circular motion by continuously changing its direction. Without this force, an object would move in a straight line.

Does change in derection cause accerelation?

Yes, a change in direction does cause acceleration because acceleration is defined as any change in velocity, which includes changes in speed and direction. When an object changes its direction, it experiences acceleration even if its speed remains constant.

Forces that cause an objects velocity to change?

In all cases acceleration.