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He started exploring in 1519 through 1552.

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Magellan was 15 years old

(he was born in 1480 and set sail in 1495)

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He was 29 years of age.

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he was young man when he began

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Q: What age was Ferdinand Magellan when he started to explore?
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Magellan started to explore at what age?

he started his first voyage at 15 but wanted to be a sailor from a very young age.

When did Ferdinand Megellin go exploring?

Ferdinand Magellan took his first journey at sea in 1505 when he was 25 years of age.

Who is most responsible for the great age of European discovery beginning early in the 15th century?

ferdinand magellan

Did Magellan Ferdinand have kids?

Yes indeed he did. In fact he had 6 of them. No one knows the names

What is a similarity between Ferdinand Magellan and hernan Cortes?

Both Ferdinand Magellan and Hernan Cortes were Spanish explorers and conquistadors who played significant roles in the Age of Exploration. They both led expeditions to the Americas in the early 16th century, with Cortes conquering the Aztec Empire in Mexico and Magellan leading the first circumnavigation of the globe.

What age was Ferdinand Magellan when he died?

Ferdiand was only 41 years old when he died. He died when he was very young but he lived a very good life.

Who were five explorers of the age of exploration?

Christopher Columbus Herman Cortes Francisco Pizarro Vasco De Gama Ferdinand Magellan Bartolomeu Dias

How did Ferdinand Magellan's parents die?

There is no historical record, only that they died when Ferdinand was 10, so he was sent to serve in the royal court of Queen Leonor of Portugal, wife of King John II.

What is Ferdinand Magellan's experience?

became a page at the ages of 8 and 9. became a soldier at the age of 25 and served for India. in 1512 became a messenger for the queen.

Who was in Ferdinand Magellan's Family?

Parents of Ferdinand Magellan were Rui de Magalhaes and Alda de Mesquita. His family had ties to the royal family of Portugal. After the deaths of his parents, he became a page to the Portuguese Queen. He married the daughter of his friend Diogo Barbosa, and they had two children.

What is Ferdinand Magellan's work experiences?

became a page at the ages of 8 and 9. became a soldier at the age of 25 and served for india. in 1512 became a messenger for the queen.

Who was the first explorer to sail around the world?

Ferdinqand Magellan's 1519 circumnavigation of the Globe was the first to complete this task. There were only 18 crew members left when they returned to Seville. Magellan was killed in the Philippines and four of the five ships that started out did not return.