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Q: What age are children treated differently because of their gender?
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Why are trans-gender treated differently?

because they're freaks

A sentence with the word discrimination?

The man decided to sue the business for discrimination due to his race. Discrimination is when someone is treated differently because of their race, sex, age, or gender.

What is Gender discrimination and give example?

Gender discrimination is when individuals are treated differently or unfairly based on their gender. An example of gender discrimination is when women are paid less than men for performing the same work.

How are Ibo children treated?

Ibo children are typically treated with care and affection within their families and communities. They are expected to learn and follow cultural norms and values from a young age. Education is highly valued, and children are encouraged to excel academically. However, traditional gender roles may influence expectations for boys and girls differently.

What are the gender roles in France?

There are no gender roles because everyone, women and men, are treated equal.

How do you use the word gender in a sentence?

The university does not treat any of its students differently because of their gender. Some individuals have trouble associating with those of the opposite gender.

What is the definition of descrimination?

Discrimination is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of individuals or groups based on certain characteristics such as race, gender, age, or class. It involves making distinctions that lead to inequality in opportunities, access, or treatment.

Should men and women be paid differently because pf their gender?

The amount of pay you receive, in most cases, is based on skill, education, and gender. If it should or should not be that way is your opinion.

What is a discriminaton?

Discrimination is when someone is treated unfairly or differently based on characteristics like race, gender, religion, or age. This can occur in various settings such as employment, education, or housing, and is often a form of prejudice or bias.

Are men and women treated differently under the law?

In many countries, there are laws that aim to ensure equal treatment of men and women. However, gender bias and discrimination still exist in various forms, leading to disparities in how men and women are treated under the law in some cases. Efforts are ongoing to address these inequalities and promote gender equality.

Can you name a woman has been treated badly because of her gender?

Any woman forced to undergo female circumcision.

When people are treated unfairly because of their race religion gender age or physical condition they experience?

The word you are looking for is discrimination.