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The XYZ Affair

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Q: What affair outraged many Americans?
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In 1931 many Americans were outraged when japan?

In 1931 many Americans were outraged when Japan invaded Manchuria.

What was the XYZ affair.?

The XYZ Affair was an incident in 1798, during a period when French privateers were regularly seizing U.S. merchant ships, and that precipitated an undeclared war between the US and France . President John Adams sent emissaries to France to negotiate . They were met by three French agents who identified themselves as X,Y and Z and demanded a substantial bribe for access to the French foreign minister. The Americans were outraged.

What was the rallying cry from americans on the XYZ affair?

'Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute' was the American rallying cry during the XYZ Affair. The affair occurred during the presidency of John Adams.

When was the XYZ Affair?

The XYZ Affair was when the French demanded large payments before discussing peace terms, Americans were outraged. They called it the XYZ Affair for the three French agents involved. Many Americans wanted it, but Adams worked carefully to avoid a war with France so soon. The U.S. Navy had a very small army. Adams built up the U.S. Army and Navy for protection, while sending Americans to France to work on peace. The U.S. never officially declared war, but between 1797 and 1800, both sides were attacking ships at sea. Finally, in 1800 the U.S. and France signed a peace treaty. France was already at war with Great Britain, and neither nation wanted the United States to be involved. Adams' ability to avoid war through careful diplomacy was a major success.

Which slogan summarizes americans' response to the XYZ affair?

"Millions for defence, not one cent for tribute"

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In 1931 many Americans were outraged when japan?

In 1931 many Americans were outraged when Japan invaded Manchuria.

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What was the was affair?

The XYZ Affair was an incident in 1798, during a period when French privateers were regularly seizing U.S. merchant ships, and that precipitated an undeclared war between the US and France . President John Adams sent emissaries to France to negotiate . They were met by three French agents who identified themselves as X,Y and Z and demanded a substantial bribe for access to the French foreign minister. The Americans were outraged.

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It would depend on who you ask but most people, not only Americans were, outraged

How did American react to the xyz affair?

Americans were outraged by the XYZ Affair in 1797. The French foreign minister had refused to receive the American ambassador unless he was paid a $ 250,000 bribe and France was given a $10 million loan. The American outrage caused small naval battles to break out between the French and American navies, but in 1800, a peace treaty was signed and good relations between the two countries resumed.

What was the XYZ affair.?

The XYZ Affair was an incident in 1798, during a period when French privateers were regularly seizing U.S. merchant ships, and that precipitated an undeclared war between the US and France . President John Adams sent emissaries to France to negotiate . They were met by three French agents who identified themselves as X,Y and Z and demanded a substantial bribe for access to the French foreign minister. The Americans were outraged.

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What did the XYZ affair lead the Americans to do?

Following the XYZ Affair, there was a surge of nationalism from the Americans. This included calls of war - eventually contributing to the naval quasi-wars along the Atlantic coast.