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Q: What adjective best describes English rule over the American colonies in general?
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Which of these best describes the purpose of the Mayflower Compact-?

One of the first attempts was at self government in the english colonies

Is the word resulted an adjective?

no an adjective describes something. i think 'resulted' is a verb but im not an expert on english

Why is English men important to the American revolution?

The colonies were ENGLISH .

What threatened the newly won freedom of the American colonies?

English colonies

Is useful a verb?

"Useful" is an adjective that describes something as being beneficial or serving a purpose. It is not typically used as a verb in standard English.

What was the English attitude toward the American colonies in the 1700s?


What part of speech is American?

Yes, the word American is a proper noun, a word for a person from the country of America. The word American is also a proper adjective, a word to describe something as of or from the country of America.

What best describes mayflower compact?

One of the first attempts was at self government in the english colonies

What is a verbal adjective?

A verbal adjective is an adjective formed from a verb, typically by adding a suffix to the stem of the verb. It describes a quality or characteristic associated with the action of the verb. For example, in English, "running" in "running water" is a verbal adjective derived from the verb "run."

What statement best describes the founding of the 13 original colonies in North America?

The English Parilament set strict ecnomic and political polices for the colonies

What was the first legislature in the North American English colonies?

house of burgesses

Why was the English Bill Of Rights for the American colonies?

it added religous freedom