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Q: What activity enabled the growth of civilizations all over the Americas?
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How do sedentary communities contribute to the growth of ancient civilizations?

They farmed and produced a surplus of food which enabled them to go beyond mere survival and devole resources to establishing cities and culture.

Did formalized religion develop before growth of civilizations?

Formalized religion developed long before the growth of civilizations.

How did farming help civilizations?

Farming allowed civilizations to establish settled communities by providing a consistent food source. This stability enabled population growth, division of labor, and the development of more complex societies. Additionally, surplus food production from farming allowed for trade, wealth accumulation, and the rise of cities.

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How did agriculture help civilization grow?

Agriculture allowed civilizations to transition from nomadic lifestyles to settled communities, leading to population growth and social organization. It provided a stable food source, allowing for specialization of labor and the development of technologies, which in turn enabled the growth of cities and complex societies.

What is the link between the food producing revolution of the neolithic era and the emergence of civilizations?

The food-producing revolution of the Neolithic era allowed for a more stable and abundant food supply, which in turn enabled the growth of larger and more complex societies. This increased food production supported population growth, leading to the development of cities, social hierarchies, and specialized labor roles - all key aspects of early civilizations.

In which culture areas was farming important?

Farming was important in many culture areas around the world, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Mesoamerica, and the Andes region. These regions developed complex agricultural systems that enabled the growth of settlements and civilizations.

What made it possible for tremendous population growth possible in the ancient americas?

Tremendous population growth in the Ancient Americas was made possible by corn production.

What trends started in early civilizations that became stronger in classical civilizations?

the establishment and rapid growth of permanent settlements

What trends that started in early civilizations became stronger in classical civilizations?

the establishment and rapid growth of permanent settlements

What skills and practices were important in the growth and spread of early civilizations?


Why did East Africa's early trading civilizations develop on or near a coastline?

East Africa's early trading civilizations developed on or near a coastline because access to the sea allowed for easier transportation of goods, facilitated trade with distant regions, and enabled cultural exchange with other maritime civilizations. Coastal areas also provided resources such as fish and other marine products that supported the growth of these early civilizations.