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They pooped in their pants

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Q: What actions did allied governments take to control public opinion during world war 2?
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After World War 1 how did former Ottoman territories differ from former Austro-Hungarian territories?

Ottoman territories came under the control of allied powers, but Austria-Hungary territories gained the the ability to establish their own governments.

When was Allied Control Council created?

Allied Control Council was created in 1945.

What was a result of the provisions of this document About allied governments?

Resentments about these provisions contributed to the growth of Nazism in Germany.

What is Germany responsible for of the Treaty of Versailles?

The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies.

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There were a few 'key factors' , but in my opinion the greatest was the determination and bravery of the British and allied pilots.There were a few 'key factors' , but in my opinion the greatest was the determination and bravery of the British and allied pilots.

How After World War 1 did former Ottoman territories differ from former Austro-Hungarian territories?

Ottoman territories came under the control of allied powers, but Austria-Hungary territories gained the the ability to establish their own governments.

How did former Ottoman territories differ from former Austro-Hungarian territories after world war 1?

Ottoman territories came under the control of allied powers, but Austria-Hungary territories gained the the ability to establish their own governments.

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The U.S., Russia, France, and Great Britain.

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Ancient Macedonia with his allied Greek forces attacked the Athenians with their allied Greek forces over control of Greece.

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the name of the program under which the United States of America supplied the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, France, and other Allied nations with war materiel between 1941 and 1945