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He all ready knew that they had "long range missiles" in the world,but through the spy planes he discovered that they were on Cuba. That placed them in our sphere of influence and they had to be moved. On Cuba they were only 90 miles from the United States. Even today Russian ships and submarines dock in Cuba.

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he did everything in his power to take them out

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He demanded that the Cubans dismantle their missile sites and he blockaded their port and turned back Soviet ships that were carrying missiles to Cuba,

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The U.S. placed Cuba under a quarantine ;

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Q: What action did president Kennedy take after he learned the soviets had to placed long range missiles in the world?
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Why do you think the US government wanted to remove Soviet missiles in?

The secret build up of offensive Soviet missiles was discovered by a U-2 Spy plane overflight of the tiny island. President Kennedy, considered an invasion of Cuba after the discovery, similar to the failed Bay of Pigs invasion 18 months earlier.After much discussion, he opted for a "Quarantine," of Cuba, which resulted in a naval blockade around the island. Kennedy demanded that the Soviets remove the missiles, however NikitaKhrushchev, publicly denounced the plan.In order for both parties to show their strength as leaders, a back room deal was had, out of view of the public on each side. The Soviets said they would remove the missiles, if the United States agreed to never invade Cuba again.Unknown to the world for over 25 years, was an even more shocking agreement. To sweeten the deal, and allay the Soviets fears of missiles on their borders, Kennedy agreed to remove America's Jupiter missiles from Turkey and Italy.

What are some of the reasons for the Soviet placement of missiles in Cuba?

The Soviets already knew that the US had nuclear missiles in Turkey, placing nuclear missiles in Cuba would simply achieve nuclear parity. Also following the failed Bay of Pigs invasion the leader of Cuba Fidel Castro wanted assurance from the Soviets of their security against future invasion, the Soviets believed that nuclear missiles would provide this security at the least cost.

What did Soviets do during Cuban missile crisis?

He wasn't able to do much. The Russians were in charge of the missiles on Cuba and not Castro, so it was up to them to respond to JFK.

Why did the Cuban missile crisis happen?

Most believe Soviet Premier Kruschev believed the young, newly-elected President Kennedy would not do anything about the Soviets' putting strategic weapons in Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis occurred in October 1962. When the Soviet Union secretly put nuclear missiles on the island of Cuba, it nearly started a nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. The missiles were discovered by routine spy-plane surveillance. The missiles were still in the process of being made launch-ready. However, President Kennedy had very little time to make a decision regarding what to do about it. His military advisers all but demanded a full-scale air strike, followed by an invasion of the island. Instead, President Kennedy ordered the U.S. Navy to "quarantine" the island by not allowing any Soviet ships to travel to Cuba. This, combined with diplomacy, forced Soviet Premier Kruschev's hand, and the missiles were withdrawn.

Us demands that Soviets withdraw missiles from cuba how was the Cuban missile crisis revolved?

The Cuban missile crisis was resolved by the USSR agreeing to remove its missiles from Cuba and the United States agreeing to remove its missiles from Turkey.

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Which action did President Kennedy take when it was discovered that the Soviets were providing Cuba with nuclear missiles?

A 13 day political military

How did Kennedy avoid the war?

The Soviets (Russians) removed their missiles from Cuba.

What action did the president Kennedy take after he learned the Soviets had place long range missiles in Cuba?

He sent the navy to blockade the island and not let ships into Cuba. Talks took place with the Russians. We were within hours of war when it was settled.

What action did president Kennedy take after he learned the soviets had placed long-range missiles in Cuba?

He sent the navy to blockade the island and not let ships into Cuba. Talks took place with the Russians. We were within hours of war when it was settled.

Who was the president who ordered the blockade of Cuba in 1962?

John Kennedy ordered this blockade to stop the Soviets from delivering missiles to Cuba. The incident is known as the Cubam missile crisis.

Is it true that President Kennedy favored the Test Ban Treaty to force the soviet to remove nuclear missiles from Cuba?

Publicly and chronologically speaking, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty is about nuclear tests, and was signed after Kennedy forced the Soviets to withdraw their missiles. In my opinion, the way you put it, he may have wanted america to seem to be a force for peace. Good question, president-wise.

Why do you think Kennedy decided to remove U.S. Missiles from Turkey?

It started with the Soviets setting up launch bases, in Cuba, that could hold Inter-Mediate Ballistic Missiles (IRBM). After a lot of laws and failed missions, the Soviets decided that they will remove the missiles from Cuba, if the US would remove the missiles from Turkey, and around Europe.

Which US president shot a missile at Cuba?

John F. Kennedy Actually there were never any missiles fired during the Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK instituted a blockade to stop Soviet missiles from reaching Cuba, the Soviets backed off without a missile being fired.

President when the Soviets put the first man in space?

John F. Kennedy

President when when the Soviets put the first man in space?

John F. Kennedy

Why do you think the US government wanted to remove Soviet missiles in?

The secret build up of offensive Soviet missiles was discovered by a U-2 Spy plane overflight of the tiny island. President Kennedy, considered an invasion of Cuba after the discovery, similar to the failed Bay of Pigs invasion 18 months earlier.After much discussion, he opted for a "Quarantine," of Cuba, which resulted in a naval blockade around the island. Kennedy demanded that the Soviets remove the missiles, however NikitaKhrushchev, publicly denounced the plan.In order for both parties to show their strength as leaders, a back room deal was had, out of view of the public on each side. The Soviets said they would remove the missiles, if the United States agreed to never invade Cuba again.Unknown to the world for over 25 years, was an even more shocking agreement. To sweeten the deal, and allay the Soviets fears of missiles on their borders, Kennedy agreed to remove America's Jupiter missiles from Turkey and Italy.

What did president Kennedy do when he realized the soviets were setting up missile launching sites in Cuba?

President Kennedy set up a naval blockade to turn back Soviet ships that were carrying missiles to Cuba. The US promised not to invade Cuba and to remove nuclear missiles from Turkey and Europe in exchange for the dismantling of missile bases in Cuba. The US claimed, that it had already planned the Turkey missile bases.