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Q: What act was passed when congress in 1830 gave federal government the authority to forcibly remove native Americans living in the southeast from their lands?
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In 1834 Congress created the Indian Territory, an area in present-day Oklahoma, for Native Americans from the Southeast.

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The Supreme Court

Does the president govern Washington dc?

No. The city has it's own government but Congress has the ultimate authority.

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Part of Congress's exercise of legislative authority is the establishment of an annual budget for the government. To this end, Congress levies taxes and tariffs to provide funding for essential government services.

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The congress of the confederation could not tax. The could request tax, but they had no authority. The government went into debt.

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John C. Calhoun

How is power distributed in different forms of government?

In a totalitarian government, the dictator (often called a tyrant) has total power. He/She has the highest authority in the government. In a monarchy, it is Parliament that has highest authority. Yes, the King or Queen answers to someone else. In a republic and/or democracy, the politicians listen to the people of the country, and the senate or congress has the highest authority. I know what you are thinking, "But the president has the highest, that is why he/she is president." Trust me, the president has to listen to Congress. Congress can veto a president's veto, which mean that it has higher authority in the government. In an anarchy, no one has power. It's just mass chaos and disorder.

What does power to the federal government mean?

The federal government, in the United States, includes the President, Vice-President, Congress executive departments, etc. that represent the entire nation. Power to the federal government gives these branches authority, superseding the authority of state or local government.