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mayflower compact

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Darien VonRueden

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2y ago
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The members of the Plymouth Colony agreed to obey their own laws, "just and equal" laws that would be passed by the members themselves as necessary for the general good of the colony. They created their own self-government instead of being subject to the laws of a royal governor or great landowner as people were in other parts of the colonies, such as Virginia, which had been their original destination. This agreement, called the Mayflower Compact, is considered the first example of formal self-government by a white community in the American colonies.

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Q: What act did the pilgrims sign promising to work together and obey the laws of the colony?
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What did the pilgrims sign promising to work together and obey laws of the colony?

mayflower compact

What did Pilgrims sign promising to work together and obey the laws of the colony.?

mayflower compact

The Mayflower Compact was an agreementto obey all laws in the pilgrims colony at what colony?

The Mayflower Compact was an agreement to obey all laws in the Pilgrims' colony at Plymouth Colony.

What compact did the Pilgrims make before landing at Plymouth to pass and obey laws for the good of the colony?

The Pilgrims made the Mayflower Compact and all the men had to sign it.

When was the Mayflower Compact established?

In 1620 when the Pilgrims realized they wouldn't be going to Virginia and needed laws to govern their new colony.

Why were there no laws for the pilgrims when they got to Plymouth?

There were no laws for the pilgrims when they got to Plymouth because there was no government

Did the Pilgrims make new laws?


What kind of laws did pilgrims want to make?

the pilgrims wanted laws past by the majority, Democratic Government which is govern and ruled by the people.

What were the laws and rules of the Mayflower Compact?

The Mayflower Compact was a legal agreement drafted by the Pilgrims in 1620 before disembarking at Plymouth Rock. It established a self-governing colony based on consent of the governed, with the promise of making and abiding by laws for the general good of the colony. The Compact emphasized unity, cooperation, and the rule of law among the settlers.

For whom was the Mayflower Compact written?

it was written by the pilgrims for the pilgrims for their own use. This was their constitution/laws.

What set of laws did the Pilgrims create when they reached the new world?

The Pilgrims created the Mayflower Compact when they reached the New World. Signed in 1620, it was a set of laws and guidelines for self-governance in Plymouth Colony. The Mayflower Compact established a democratic system where the majority would rule, laying the foundation for future democratic governments in the United States.

Why did the pilgrims write a mayflower compact?

To make laws