Hello, I believe Lorenzo De Medici's talent was to perform a unbelievably cool magic trick that no one has ever found out how to do.
Lorenzo de Medici was Italian
where was lorenzo de medici born
There are three Lorenzo de Medici in the family tree, i take it that you are referring to the Lorenzo the Magnificent, his wife was Clarice de Orsini
If your thinking of the same lorenzo, Lorenzo II de' Medici, Duke of Urbino, then yes, and he was her father.
Lorenzo de Medici
Catherine de Medicis most definitely supported the Catholic Church against the heretics.
Lorenzo de Medici was the patron of a school for talented sculptors located in the garden of his palazzo. When he met the young Michelangelo, he immediately saw talent in him ( in the occasion, Michelangelo showed Lorenzo a sculpture of a fawn, which is credited for being Michelangelo's first sculpture and is now lost). Upon realizing Michelangelo's talent, Lorenzo invited him to join the sculptors' school and also invited him to come live in his palazzo with his family. Lorenzo really took Michelangelo under his wing.
who is lorenzo de medici
Salvatore De Lorenzo's birth name is Salvatore de Lorenzo.
Catherine de Medicis
Lorenzo de Pablo's birth name is Pablo Garca, Lorenzo de.
Lorenzo de Medici was Italian
Queen Catherine de Medicis of France
Lorenzo de Rodas's birth name is Lorenzo Lpez de Rodas y Martn.
where was lorenzo de medici born
Lorenzo De Caro died in 1777.