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Eleven US States have a border with Canada. The States are as follows:

1. Alaska 2. Washington 3. Idaho 4. North Dakota 5. Minnesota 6. Michigan

7. New York 8. Vermont 9. New Hampshire 10. Maine 11. Montana

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Alaska, Washington, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. Ohio has a maritime boundary with Ontario on Lake Erie.

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Q: What eleven US States border Canada?
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What eleven states border Canada?

Eleven US States have a border with Canada. The States are as follows: 1. Alaska 2. Washington 3. Idaho 4. North Dakota 5. Minnesota 6. Michigan 7. New York 8. Vermont 9. New Hampshire 10. Maine 11. Montana

Does united States have border lines in Canada?

The US has border lines WITH (not IN ) Canada.

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Canada, Mexico, and Russia border the United States.

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Canada and Mexico border the United States.

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Idaho has a border with six US States plus Canada. Oklahoma has a border with six US States. Utah has a border with six US States. Wyoming has a border with six US States.

What two states the border the US?

Canada & Mexico, which are countries, not states.

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Canada and Mexico share a border with the United States.

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Canada or Mexico

Is true that the US is bordered by Canada and Mexico true or false?

True. Canada and The United States share a border to the north of the US, and Mexico and the US share a border to the south of the United States (US).

What country does Canada border?

Canada is bordered by the US only.

What are the eleven US states that share the land border with Canada?

There are 12 that share a border on land or water with Canada. From West to East: Washington Idaho Montana North Dakota Minnesota Michigan Ohio Pennsylvania New York Vermont New Hampshire Maine

What are the nine states that share a border with Canada?

The last time I counted, there were 13 US states sharing a border with Canada. Did you lose some of them recently?