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Q: What Russian cities was founded by Catherine the Great?
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What do you call your Great Grandmother in Russian?

Babushka is Russian for Grandmother, by extension, Old Lady ( and a type of headgear). Maybe they have a special title for Great Grand Mom- by the way Catherine II ( The Great) was known as Mother of Russian Cities- such as Odessa and Ekaterinberg which were founded in her lenghty reign.

Was Catherine the Great part of the Russian Revolution?

No, Catherine the Great ruled from 1762 to 1796. The Russian Revolution occurred in 1917.

What did Catherine the Great have to do with Russia?

Catherine the Great was the Russian Empress from 1762 to 1796. She made many improvements to the Russian government and was a large proponent of Westernization.

What country had rulers name Peter the Great and Catherine the Great?

Peter the Great and Catherine the Great were both Russian rulers.

Who was the Russian ruler admired by philosophers?

Catherine the Great

Why did Catherine the Great shift her focus from reform to building a Russian empire?

Catherine The Great focused on the Russian Empire's expansion to continue the process of Westernisation begun by Peter the Great.

Who was the Russian empress who embraced western ideas?

Catherine the great.

Russian empress who was considered an enlightened despot?

Catherine the Great

What lands were added to the Russian Empire under Ivan iv peter the great and catherine the great?

Siberia and the Russian steppes

Catherine II was also known as?

Catherine The Great, also Mother Russia, the mother of Russian Cities, which she visited while accompanied with her protective retinue, including lover Major Grigori Potemkin. Catherine reigned 32 years, makes Rockefeller look like a piker.

Who are some of the Russian monarchs?

Peter the great, Catherine the first, Ivan the terrible are some of the Russian monarchs.

Which of these cities was founded by Peter the Great?

He founded St. Petersburg, Russia.