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Q: What Pennsylvania legalized before any other colony?
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Did the Pennsylvania colony trade with other countries?

Yes. The Pennsylvania Colony primarily traded with England.

What colony other than Pennsylvania did William Penn own?

Delaware was the other colony connected with William Penn.

Was Maryland a colony of Pennsylvania?

No. The Province of Maryland was a English Colony, then a British Colony, from 1632 until 1776, when it joined the Province of Pennsylvania and the other eleven colonies in rebellion against Great Britain.

How was Pennsylvania Colony similar to other Colonies?

They trade with Native Americans

How is Pennsylvania different from other colonies?

Pennsylvania was the first colony not to be found on religious basis and took everyone from different cultures. This was technically the second colony to have religious tolerance after Rhode Island.

What IS the purpose of the colony Pennsylvania?

To make a profit for William Penn and the other proprieters.

Which colony was Pennsylvania in?

Pennsylvania state was also called Pennsylvania as a colony. It was named for Admiral William Penn, its founder's father. "silva" means "forest" in Latin, so the whole name means "Penn's Forest."

Does Pennsylvania colony have fertile soil?

Yes, Pennsylvania colony had fertile soil, particularly in the eastern part of the colony where the soil was rich and suitable for agriculture. This fertile soil supported the growth of crops such as wheat, corn, and other grains, making agriculture an important part of the colony's economy.

How did Pennsylvania colony earn a living?

Pennsylvania colony sold wheat and flour to other colonies.

Who were the religious leader in colonial Pennsylvania?

The leader of the Pennsylvania colony was William Penn, a devout Quaker who created the colony he had been awarded by King Charles II, as a refuge for Quakers. The colony also had a good deal of tolerance for other religions as well.

What two characteristics of life in the Pennsylvania colony made it different from life in any other American colony?

democratic political systemcomplete religious freedom

What aspects of the Pennsylvania colony made it different from other middle colonies?

because it had good farm land