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national conventions

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National Conventions

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Q: What New circus like method of nominating presidential candidates that involved wider participation but usually left effective control in the hands of part bosses?
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This law became effective on October 28, 1919 after the Senate and the House overrode the presidential veto of Woodrow Wilson.

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Effective communication early, participation and involvement, facilitation and support, leadership, negotiation and agreement are not necessarily strategies. They are known to manage resistance to change.

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1. recruting candidates 2. organizing and running elections 3. Presenting alternate policies to the electorate

How has the nomination of presidential candidates changed over the years?

Candidates are forced to run a "permanent campaign." Candidates are less reliant on fundraising events. Candidates have budgets determined by Congress Candidates have started campaigning longer. they spend more money.

The most important resource that most groups give congressional candidates is?

financial support. Campaigns can be expensive, and groups such as political action committees (PACs), special interest groups, and party committees often provide contributions to candidates to help fund their campaigns. This financial support enables candidates to run effective campaigns, advertise, and reach a wider audience, thus increasing their chances of winning elections.