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The "Wampum Belt" in is varied forms was used by 29 different tribes, none of which can be credited for its first design or use. Historically speaking the tribes of the north east coast of North America were the first people that were met by European immigrants, and they noted its use; mistakenly believing it to be some form of money.

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Q: What Native Americans used wampum?
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Do Native Americans use money?

yes it is called wampum

What did the Sioux indians call there money?

Historically none of the Plains tribes had money. the idea that all native Americans used "wampum" or called money "wampum" is entirely false.

What is a slang term for money used by native Americans?

Wampum is the slang term used for money by the Native American people. Native Americans make up 1.5 percent of the total U.S. population.

What did Native Americans use a wampum for?

it could be used for,storytelling,adding on to history,asking for marrige,gifts,to show an agreement between two groups of people,and to declare a war or reuest peace between two groups. I'm glad i helped

What region did native Americans use wampum and beaver fur?

southern region of canada into the northern region of minnesota.

What is a wampum and how do the Iroquois use it?

Wampum was a bead made from shells. For many years it was a key currency used in the colonial times. The purple ones were particularly prized, as there was only a small part of the shell that could be used to make them. Wealthy Indians and even colonists would wear belts and sashes of wampum. Actually, Wampums are money that some Native Americans use. Please note: Wampum or Wampum belts, were not used as money among Native American tribes as that was a European introduction where colonists used it as a medium of exchange (money). wampum was invented by the iroquis

What did the Native Americansuse instead of money?

Native Americans bartered using food, cloth and useful tools. Webster's New World College Dictionary says North American Indians used "wampum", small beads, as money.

What was the main purpose of the wampum?

Wampum was money to the Native American culture...their medium of exchange.

What is the native American word for polished shells and beads used for trading and sending messages?

its a wampum

What is a sentence with wampum?

The Native American tribe traded goods using wampum beads as currency.

A form of native American currency made of shells?


What did the wampum belt symbolize?

Wampum belts were used by Native American tribes as a form of communication, often symbolizing agreements, treaties, or important historical events. The intricate beadwork and patterns carried cultural and spiritual significance to the tribes who used them.