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Q: What Latin American areas have little to no industrial development?
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Which industrial growth in latin American countries led the countries to encourage?

workers' union

In the latin American city model the elite residential sector contains the?

commercial/industrial spine

Which generalization can be made about the rise of latin American nations?

New Latin American republics had little difficulty achieving democratic rule

What is the latin word for Industrial?

The Latin word meaning Industrial is Industrius.

What has the author Walter Krause written?

Walter Krause has written: 'American agricultural surpluses and foreign economic development' 'Latin America and economic integration' 'International economics' 'Economic development; the underdeveloped world and the American interest' -- subject- s -: American Economic assistance, Economic conditions 'International tourism and Latin American development' -- subject- s -: Tourism

Which Latin American is a pioneer and leader in the design and development of Payment for ecosystem services?

Costa Rica

Which latin American nations have developed significant industrial sectors during the 20th century?

Their economies remained rooted in agriculture.

What is discussed on the site Cepal?

Latin American development and economics are discussed on CEPAL. The website is known as ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean). CEPAL is the Spanish acronym.

The functions of Inter-American Development Bank?

This bank functions to finance the Caribbean and Latin America. IT is critical in supporting the social and economic development along with regional integration of these areas.

What is the Latin word for bear?

Ursa As in ursa major and ursa minor, big bear and little bear, the American Native names for the big and little dipper.

Which Latin America has the largest Industrial Power?

Brazil has the largest output in Latin America, with US$399 billion worth in industrial production.