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Q: What Is Unique About The Minoan Clay Tablets?
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Related questions

Where was clay tablets found?

Clay tablets were made out of clay that was easily found by the rivers of Tigris and Euphrates.

Who used clay tablets as mean of communication?

who used clay tablets are the Egyptians

Who used clay tablets?

Clay tablets were used by Sumerian civilization. Another word for ''clay tablets'' it's called cuneiform.Cuneiformdocuments were written onclay tablets, by means of a blunt reed for a stylus.

What were Sumerian clay tablets made of?


What are the advantages of clay tablets?

Clay is strong

What are Babylonian Clay Tablets?

They are clay tablets that scribes wrote cuneiform on, normally to record business deals.

What are the advantages of using clay tablets?

Clay is strong

Why did sumerian use clay tablets?

They used it for the clay tablets they wrote on and pottery.

In what ways was the Minoan culture unique?

they treat their women sexy.

What are some advantages of writing on clay tablets?

Writing on clay tablets provided a durable medium for recording information in ancient civilizations. The clay tablets were long-lasting and resistant to the elements, allowing important texts and records to be preserved for centuries. Additionally, the inscriptions on clay tablets were difficult to alter, providing a sense of security for keeping records accurate.

What did the Mesopotamians write on cuneiform?

clay tablets

What was stone seal written on?

clay tablets