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Q: What Great Depression era President?
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Who was the president in power during the Great Depression?

Herbert Hoover was President when the Great Depression began. Franklin Roosevelt was President when the Depression ended.

Who was president when the Great Depression was over?

Franklin Roosevelt was president when the great depression ended and the great war began.

What was the era before the era of good feelings?

The Great Depression.

The era of the 1930s is known as what?

the great depression

What was the new era?

The New Deal Era is a time period referring to President Roosevelt's New Deal. The New Deal was establish to help the United States overcome the Great Depression.

What year did The president make official that The Great Depression was The Great Depression?

1928-1933 by Herbert Clark Hoover the 31 president

Was the economy stable in the 1930s?

No that was the Great Depression era.

What era followed the Great Depression?

The baby boom generation was born after the Great Depression. They were known as the hippies so I suppose the Hippy era. also world war 2 was straight afterwards and actually was the reason the great depression ended

What president saw the majority of the Great Depression?

Herbert Hoover was president when the Great Depression started. The depression started after the Stock Market crashed in 1929. Franklin Roosevelt was a good president because he helped people get their jobs back again. In 1938 the Great Depression was over.

Who was president at start of Great Depression and was he a democrat?

Herbert Hoover, a Republican, was the President when the stock market crashed in 1929 starting the great depression.

What president led your country out the great depression?

Franklin D. Roosevelt led the country out of the great depression. FDR was the 32nd U.S. President.

Which president was the first to deal with the Great Depression?

Herbert Hoover was the president during the great wall street crashes which are generally considered to be the beginning of the great depression, so he was the first president to have to deal with it.