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Messenger god

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Q: What English words are derived from ancient Greek God Hermes?
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Did ancient Greeks use the same words as Americans?

In a word, no, although many modern English words are derived from ancient Greek words, and both Greek and English are ultimately derived from the same ancient language, known today as Proto-Indo-European.

What is Hermes' Roman name?

The Roman name of the ancient Greek god Hermes was Mercurius (Mercury).The ancient Greek god called Hermes had an equivalent purpose in ancient Roman pagan religion. The name of Hermes was changed in Latin to the name of Mercury.

Did ancient Greeks write in English?

No. The ancient Greek did not use the English language. Because there was no English language in that time. English language derived from Latin which was the official language of Roman Empire and the Roman Empire is the successor of ancient Greek the golden age of Greece.

How was the ancient Greek god Hermes Born?


What is Germans source language?

As with English, there are many source languages, but mainly German is derived from Latin, Ancient Greek and Ancient Germanic.

What is the ancient Greek god of good fortune called?


Who is the ancient god of thieves?

Greek - Hermes, Norse - Loki.

Hermes was the god or goddess of who?

He was the messenger to the gods in ancient Greek mythology.

What ancient Greek god was known as the protector of heroes?

Hermes I think.

What is the year that the Greek god Hermes was born?

The ancient gods are not in our chronology.

What English words are from the Greek language?

There are many English words derived from the Ancient Greek language.These are a few:autobiograhy - book written about ones own life- comes from three greek words. 'Autos' is Ancient Greek for 'same', or '-self'. 'Bion' is Ancient Greek for 'life'. 'Graphein' is Ancient Greek for 'to write'.Ballistics - the study of projectiles, or things such as bullets shot from a weapon- comes from the Ancient Greek word 'Ballein' which means 'to throw (as with a weapon)' or 'to shoot'.Poet - one who writes poetry - comes from the Ancient Greek word 'poiein' which means 'to make, to create'.Angel - spiritual being who sometimes communicates to man, as in the first chapter of the gospel according to St. Luke - comes from the Ancient Greek word 'angelos' which means 'messanger'.Monotheism - belief in one god - comes from the Ancient Greek word 'monos' which means 'alone, only' and the Ancient Greek word 'theos' which means 'god'.By looking through an English dictionary or an Ancient Greek text book, you can find many more English words which come from the Ancient Greek language.

Who is the ancient greek god of travel?

The ancient Greek god of travel is Hermes, the god of traders, travel, and thieves, and such.