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principally, the Magna Carta

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Q: What English documents influenced the US bill of rights?
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What british documents influenced the constitution?

The Magna Carta and The English Bill of Rights

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The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights

Which two English documents influenced American government?

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What documents influenced ideas about Government in the United States?

The documents that influenced ideas about government include: - Magna Carta - The Constitution - English Bill of Rights - Mayflower Compact - Declaration of Independence - State Constitutions - Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

What documents have influenced the us government?

Bill of Rights Constitution Magna Carta Articles of Confederation Declaration of Independence

What documents influenced idea about in the US?

The documents that influenced ideas about government include: - Magna Carta - English Bill of Rights - Mayflower Compact - Declaration of Independence - State Constitutions - Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

What two documents are the bill of rights based on?

The English Bill of Rights and the Virginia Declaration of Rights

What are important documents of English law?

Magna Carta English Bill of Rights and Petition of Rights

Which two documents restricted the power of the English monarchy?

Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights.

What three English documents are the bill of rights based on?

The Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, and the Bill of Rights.

What English documents did Thomas Jefferson draw upon in writing the Declaration of Independence?

Magna Carta, and the English Bill of Rights