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Marco Polo introduced noodles, and many other items like coal and paper money into Europe from China.

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Q: What Does Marco Polo have to do with noodles?
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What was Marco polo's discoveries?


Who invented noodles in China?

Marco polo

Who discover noodles?

nobody knows The Chinese invented noodles

When did Marco polo discover noodles?

Actually it is a myth that Marco Polo discovered noodles; pasta and other types of noodles were known of and widely eaten in Europe and the Middle East centuries before Marco Polo was born. Marco Polo returned to Italy in 1295 AD with the "discovery" of pasta. The Chinese have been eating noodles since 3000 BC. Source:

Marco Polo's dicoveries?

He discovered noodles and alot of good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

What did Marco Polo discover while traveling in China?

Marco Polo had discovered noodles, spices, herbs, glass, paper,silk,and medicine.Thats a nice answer

Where are the places Marco polo explored?

Marco polo visited and explored china and brought back noodles with him and now they are being eaten all around the world

Did Marco Polo bring back wild animals from china?

No but he brought the pasta noodles to Italy!

How was Marco Polo instrumental in bringing pasta to Italy?

During Marco Polo's expeditions to where we now call Asia, Marco Polo is reknown for introducing Italy to spaghetti (originally from China) from which the Italians developed their own variations and production techniques

Did marco polo invent marco polo?

No Marco Polo did not invent the game Marco Polo.

Marco Polo introduced which item to Italy from China?

he introduced noodles to Italy thus starting the journey of pasta.

The origin of noodles?

Noodles originated in China, but they only ate spicy noodle, so Marco Polo (an Italian Explorer) went to China and put sauces on the Noodles which is what most people eat today.