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Peter the Great (died in 1725).

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Q: What Czar built St Petersburg and endorsed Western European customs?
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What is the Roman culture?

Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.

What was Peter the Great's main reason for visiting the west?


What were three roots of medieval culture in western Europe?

1.classical heritage of Rome 2. the beliefs of the roman catholic church 3. the customs of various Germanic tribes

Where was the Roosevelt Corollary first used?

The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine was TR's statement regarding European intervention in the Western Hemisphere. It was first used in Santo Domingo. That nation was having trouble paying debts it owed to foreign nations. There was a chance that one of the European powers, or several, might send troops to Santo Domingo to collect the money owed them. TR used a combination of negotiations and threats to take control of the Santo Domingo customs houses. He than had the money collected applied to Santo Domingo's foreign debts. To maintain U.S. influence in Latin America

Why did Catherine encourage to adopt western customs?

The goal of the "enlightenment" was to end serfdom in Russia and to increase the intellectual knowledge of Russians to equal that of fellow Europeans. She also acquired lands and instituted laws and reforms to further her purposes.

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What is the Roman culture?

Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.

What is the modern roman culture?

The Greco-Roman period refers to the culture of the peoples who were incorporated into the Roman Republic & Roman EmpireRoman culture means the culture of the Romans, just as American culture means the culture of the Americans, British culture means the culture of the British, French culture is the culture of the French, etc. Roman means the people who live in Rome. The Romans conquered a large empire in antiquity The term Greco-Roman refers to the fact that ancient Roman culture was deeply influenced by Greek culture. It means Greek-Roman.

Which continent does continental food originate from?

"Continental" refers to Western European customs, food and style.

Does Spanish customs and culture prevail through western Canada?

Spanish customs and culture have made only very limited inroads into western Canada. Overwhelmingly, most of the people there are of western, northern or eastern European or Asian descent, with some aboriginal peoples.

Peter the great and catherine the great changed Russia by?

Peter the Great started the process of westernizing Russia. He built St. Petersburg as his new capital. Catherine the Great brought in more European culture. She also began rebuilding the palace in Moscow.

Adoption of western ideas and customs?


What influences on Japanese literature emerged in the twentieth century?

With the advent of the twentieth century, Western ideas and customs Japanese. European influences in literature are manifested in translation and imitation, especially in fiction.

Which Asian country most closely emulated Western customs and adopted Western practices?


How is the American society and the European society different?

American society has different social customs compared to European society.

What were the negative aspects of European colonialism?

They dominated English languages and customs.

What are European customs and culture?

Europe isn't a country, but a continent consisting of many countries. Each country has unique customs and cultures.

What introduced western customs and ways of doing things to Russia?

Mr. Merani