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Q: What Challenges did monarchs have in medieval times?
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What are kings in medieval times?

Leaders or rulers of countries. Monarchs today have far less power generally, than they did in medieval times.

How do Medieval Times do seeding?

If this refers to the entertainment show Medieval times, it is a predetermined outcome based on the actor's showmen ship, or seating arrangement. It this refers to actual old medieval jousting events, then it was based on class, hierarchy, or the monarchs favor.

Where did the monarchs of medieval Europe believe their authority to rule comes from?

The monarchs of Europe believed that they were divinely chosen.

What challenges do Medieval Cardinal face?

Medieval cardinals faced challenges such as political intrigue and power struggles within the Church, managing complex relationships with monarchs and noble families, maintaining control over vast territories and wealth, and navigating conflicts between secular and religious authorities. They also grappled with issues of corruption, nepotism, and balancing spiritual responsibilities with political duties.

What were the challenges the knights faced in medieval?


What were the medieval monarchs in order of date?

We need to know what country to be able to answer the question.

Who owns land in medieval times?

William of Normandy's owned all the castles in England. he based them so they were spread out long the border

What did the Magna Carta do in the Medieval times?

It limited the monarch's powers, saying that the king is not above the law, that the king is subject to the law.

How did the medieval monarchs use propaganda in their advantage?

Medieval monarchs used propaganda to legitimize their rule by portraying themselves as chosen by God or destiny. They employed symbols, ceremonies, and artworks to enhance their image of power and authority. Propaganda was crucial in maintaining control over the population and fostering loyalty among subjects.

What role did the wealth of the medieval church play in european politics?

It made the Church dependent on individual monarchs.

What continent did the medieval knights live on?

Medieval knights lived mainly in Europe. Europe was the center of medieval chivalry and feudalism, where knights served as armored warriors supporting monarchs and nobles in battles and tournaments.

What were dinosaurs like in medieval times?

There were no dinosaurs in medieval times.