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Q: What American words are considered profanity?
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Does everyone use profanity?

No. In addition what is considered profane by one culture, society or tribe may not be considered so by another. Language is dynamic and words that, in the past, were profane may no longer be considered so.

Is the term bitcth considered profanity when used to describe a person?

Yes, the term "bitch" is generally considered profanity when used to describe a person. It is derogatory and offensive to many individuals.

What is expletive language?

Expletive language refers to swear words, curse words, or profanity that is used to express strong emotions like anger, frustration, or excitement. It is considered rude or offensive in many social contexts.

What makes a song classed as an explicit?

Profanity. (swear or cuss words)

What is salitang panlansangan?

Salitang panlansangan, in the Philippines, refers to curse words or profanity used in informal or casual settings. These are considered vulgar or offensive languages that are not appropriate for formal or polite conversation.

What does it mean to use profanity?

It means to use crude, vulgar, or offensive language. Originally, to profane was to make statements that conflicted with or insulted the teachings of the church. By extension, it came to mean words or actions that are considered to be vulgar or rude, such as curse words.

Is using profanity at a cop considered obstruction of justice?

It may not technically be considered obstruction of justice, although someone can be arrested for doing it.

What words are banned from being played on the radio?

Profanity and indecency are considered abuse on WikiAnswers. You'll have to look elsewhere. One fertile source is cable TV. Be sure and tell your parents all about this fascinating research project you're doing.

What are club penguin's rules?

The rules of Club Penguin are like that of any other internet game.No profanity (guns and killing are considered profanity)No cyberbullyingNo threats or anything offensiveNo giving out personal information

Who invented bad words and why were they made?

It is difficult to attribute the invention of "bad words" to a specific individual as profanity has evolved over time and varies across cultures. Profanity is often used to express strong emotions, enhance language impact, or as a form of rebellion or self-expression. Societal norms and taboos contribute to what words are considered "bad."

Is goddamnit a swear?

Yes, "goddamnit" is considered a swear word because it combines the word "God" with a profanity. It is considered disrespectful or offensive to some people.

Is profanity a verb?

Profanity is not a verb. It's a noun.