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The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

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Q: What American documents were influenced by Jean-Jacques Rousseau's ideas?
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What three American documents were influenced by Enlightenment ide?

The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights were influenced by Enlightenment ideals such as individual rights, social contract theory, and the separation of powers.

What documents in American politics are influenced by John Locke?

the constitution and declaration of independence

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Simon Bolivar was influenced by the American and French revolutions in that he desired the constitutional freedoms that were contained in the American and French documents to become part of the lives of the people of his nation.

What colonial documents influenced American government?

One was the Connecticut Constitution. I am not sure about the other. Good Luck :)

Name 3 English documents that influenced American democracy?

The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights

How do you think these documents reflect the English contribution to American democracy?

These documents reflect the English contribution to American democracy in several ways. First, the Magna Carta influenced the idea of limited government and the protection of individual rights, which can be seen in the American Constitution's Bill of Rights. Second, the English Bill of Rights influenced the concept of a constitutional monarchy and the separation of powers, which are key elements of the American system of government. Lastly, the English Common Law system served as the foundation for the American legal system, ensuring fairness and equal treatment under the law.

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Thomas Paine was called the father of the American revolution. His writings influenced the American revolutionaries.

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