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Answer South Vietnam was pretty much the supporters of French Colonial rule, so the US [and allies] intervened when the French pulled out.

China and Russia (USSR) helped North Vietnam.

Australia, Korea, New Zeland and the Philippines sent troops to support South vietnam.

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13y ago

Warsaw Pact nations/USSR/Red China supplied small arms, radar, missiles, tanks, and artillery.

Primarily the USSR supplied the SAMs, MiG17 & MiG21 jets while the Chinese Communist (Chicom) supplied the MiG19s (their J6 versions). RC also supplied the Soviet versions of the PT76 & T54/55 medium tanks. The vast amounts of AK47s etc. were supplied by the Communist Chinese and Warsaw Pact nations.

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Soviet Union and China because they wanted Korea to become republic governmant.

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Soviet Union and Communist China.

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China and Russia.

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Q: What 2 countries aided north Korea during the Korean war?
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Who aided North Korea during the Korean conflict?

China, Russia

What UN nations were involved in the Korean War?

The nations that were involved in the Korean war were the US who aided south Korea and the soviet union, who aided north Korea.

What were the two parts of the Korean peninsula after world war 2?

South Korea which was aided by the United States and North Korea which was supported by the Soviet Union.

What country was invaded by North Korea in 1950?

On 27th June,1950 North Korean forces aided by China and Soviet Union invaded South Korea. United Nations security council considered it an act of war and subsequently a US led force of UNO engaged North Korea which is known as the Korean war.

How did Communist takeover in China lead to the Korean war?

The COLD WAR was between communism and the free world. Communist North Korea was attacking a free world nation...South Korea.

What policy did the US support by aiding South Korea?

They kept the country from falling into Russian style Communism. The US during WWII enabled Korea to get free from Japanese colonialism. During the Korean War, the UN countries and the US sent aid and soldiers, and with help from numerous but ineffectual South Korean soldiers kept Russia/China aided North Korea from capturing South Korea. People at the time (1950-53) weren't sure at the time that this was necessarily a good thing, most modern Koreans are thankful that South Korea did not fall then. The US sent the most soldiers and aid, and suffered the most losses. Korea has unrepayable debt to the US and to various UN nations for the aid and lives they provided in the Korean War. Every Korean feels this deep down, though the expression during various protests may not seem that Koreans remember. -opinion- However, the US is accepted as a big brother to Korea, and will always be a loyal sibling though they get obnoxious at times.

The major Cold War conflict of the 1950s was the?

Korean War

What organization aided South Korea in its fight against North Korea?

The whole U.N. did.

What was the U.S response to North Korea's invasion of south Korea?

U.S. troops aided South Korea with support from the UN.

What is the current as of (2009) relationship of US and south Korea?

The United States and South Korea maintain a very strong relationship. The US maintains roughly 30,000 soldiers in South Korea to help defend the country from continuous North Korean aggression. Conversely, South Korea has consistently aided the US in it numerous wars throughout the world. In terms of economics, the US and South Korea have high levels of trade.

Who did US aid in the Korean war?

South Korea. The US aided the South Koreans because the North was communist and therefore due to the Containment Policy, the US felt the need to intervene and save the South from falling to the Communist North.

What common factor triggered the hot wars in Asia during the cold war?

The Korean War is the primary example of how the Cold War turned hot in Asia. The South Koreans were aided by the United States, while the North Koreans were aided by the Soviet Union.