No it is the 13th US State.
the navajo
the oldest us capitol would be Philadelphia, because, it was the oldest in the united states not the continents of America. Yo
Central Intelligence Agency ( an oxymoron )
Mississippi College
If you take into consideration the fact that the US Coast Guard is charged with enforcing the nations laws, then it would be THAT agency which began its life as the US Revenue Cutter Service.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) monitors threats to the environment and public health.
The principal federal agency responsible for protecting the health of all people in the US is the Department of Health and Human Services. however, other agencies have distinct roles in this, including:Consumer Product Safety CommissionEnvironmental Protection AgencyOccupational Safety and Health Administration
The official propaganda agency of the US does not exist. The US government does not have a designated agency for propaganda.
The first US capital was Philadelphia. This would be the oldest capital of the US.
The oldest sporting venue in the US is Saratoga Race Course.
The first US capital was Philadelphia. This would be the oldest capital of the US.
None. It is illegal to dump waste into US waters.
"Ohio pulp mills" oldest paper recycling plant in US
oldest yacht club in America ??
Oldest Sports club in the US is the Oneida Football Club in Boston Mass
"Ohio pulp mills" oldest paper recycling plant in US