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The act prohibited the issue of any new bills and the reissue of existing currency.

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Q: What did the “Currency act” prevent colonist doing?
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What was the colonist reaction to currency act?

they were type mad

Why did the Currency act anger colonist when it passed in 1764?

it prohibited the colonist from printing paper money

What did the colonist do as result of the currency act being passed?


What did the law prevent the colonist from doing until they obeyed the law of the Quartering Act?

They had to house and provide food and care for the British soldiers that had taken post in the colonies to enforce British rule.

Reaction to currency act?

The colonists reaction to the currency act of 1764 was that they didn't think it was fair to abolish their currencies and impose the pound as the only acceptable form of money. They protested against it.

What was the townshed acts designed to do?

They were made to punish the colonist for doing the tea act witch was a time when colonist got all the tea that was being imported and threw it in the ocean.

How did the stamp act restrict colonist freedom?

The stamp act charged the colonist in paper goods

How did the colonist organize the sugar act?

The colonist didn't organize the sugar act. It was a British law.

What might king gorge III and parliament have done to prevent the American revolution?

They could have not passed the stamp or sugar act to anger the colonist

What was the date of the currency act?

The currency act was passed in 1764

How did some colonist of the quartering act protest this law?

Howdid some colonist of the quartering act protest this law?

Why did the colonist felt the stamp act violated their rights?

the colonist were mad