2 years
The main difference between a Senator's term and that of a Representative in the United States Congress is length. Senators are elected to terms of 6 years, and the terms for the House are 2 years.
The term for a US President is 4 years, with a 2 term limit. The term for a US Senator is 6 years, with no term limits, and the term for a US Representative is 2 years, also, with no term limits.
A term in the United States House of Representatives is 2 years. A representative can servr as many terms as the voters elect him or her to serve.
2 years
2 years
2 years
2 years
Representatives are elected to a two year term of office.The Representatives are elected for two years with a maximum of four consecutive terms.two year term
President's term is 4 years under the constitution a maximum of 2 successive terms
2 years
Each representative serves for a 2-year term.
2 years
House members serve a two year term
I believe two years. In Michigan, a State Representative can be in office up to 3 terms of 2 years each for a total of 6 years.
U.S. Representative to the House of Representatves are elected for 2-year terms. The number of terms they can serve is unlimited.
A Representative has a term of two years.