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It means recgonising and acknowledging the sacrifice and heroism shown by ANZAC soldiers all those years ago.

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What does Anzac Day mean to Veterans?

When Anzac survivors were alive it was a day to remember their fallen comrades, those who laid their lives down on the altar of sacrifice for their country and the greater good. It was a day to pay their respects to mates who gave their everything.

Why are there two Anzac day holidays Anzac day and Anzac day holiday?

Normally, there are not two ANZAC Day holidays. ANZAC Day is always the public holiday. In 2011, ANZAC Day fell on the Monday after Easter, which was already a public holiday, so there was an extra holiday on the day after ANZAC Day.

Does cash converters open on anzac day?

No its anzac day

What does the cross mean on ANZAC Day?

ANZAC means Australia New Zelend Army CorpsANZAC day is about the people who risked there life to save there country and make it what it is today.

How could anzac day infect the future?

How could anzac day infect the future? How could anzac day infect the future?

Who marches on ANZAC day?

War veterans march on ANZAC day.

On which day does Anzac Day fall in 2010?

Anzac Day is April 25th.

What day is Anzac day observed on?

ANZAC Day is always observed on April 25th.

Is ANZAC Day a holiday day?

In Australia and New Zealand, Anzac Day is a national public holiday.

Is there an anzac flag?

Symbols that represent ANZAC Day include:red poppiesrosemaryolive leafThe Rising Sun emblem

Where was the battle remembered on ANZAC Day?

ANZAC Day commemorates the landing of the ANZAC troops at Gallipoli on the Turkish Aegean coast.

Is Anzac day when the soldiers landed or won the war?

ANZAC Day commemorates the day, on 25 April 1915, when the ANZAC troops landed at Gallipoli.