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Generally not, there were a women who fought here and there as snipers etc. But generally enlisting in the army was a mans job.

In the confusion of total war anyone with a weapon can fight though and civilians are good targets usually, most casualties in WW2 were civilians.

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This question is confusing. I believe you are asking which women were banned in World War 2.

In the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom it would have been Japanese women, Germans and some Italian women were shunned because they were descendants of the enemies. The Japanese women were interned in internment camps in both the USA and Canada.

In Europe women who collaborated with the Germans were shunned and banned by the general public.

IN Germany the Nazis banned all Jews and killed most of the Jewish women.

In Japan American women were imprisoned unless they collaborated with the Japanese.

There were also hundreds of thousands of women in POW camps worldwide.

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14y ago

If they werecommunist they were allowed to fght

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Q: Were women allowed to fight in world war 2?
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women- I studied it last month in social studies

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Some women did fight in World War 2. Some were nurses, some had desk jobs, and some were spies. Some were just women in the line of fire.

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