King Faisal
turkey :)
The '60s
He was around 25 years old according to a Google search.
There are many radio stations that play music from the 60s. Examples of radio stations that play music from the 60s includes Live365 Internet Radio and the 60s Radio at TuneIn.
BMX bikes weren't around in the 60s.
We have recently moved to Kyrgyzstan where it is impossible to find side bacon that is of North American Quality. As a substitute, I have been looking for canned bacon. I remember as a child in the 60s, we used to buy Tulip brand canned bacon that was made in Denmark that was delicious, so I started to look for it. I contacted Tulip through their website only to find they no longer produce it. I checked out Celebrity and got the same answer. I read on one of the threads that it was still being produced in Alaska, but was unable to find anything. If anyone finds canned bacon, please post it here! Desperate for Bacon ------------- Looks like Canned Bacon is available again; http://www.mredepot.com/servlet/the-364/Yoder%E2%80%99s-Celebrity-Canned-Bacon/Detail I found it here, looks like a great new product; http://www.readydepot.com/servlet/the-Food-cln-Meat%2C-Canned/Categories?sfs=7a4bf63d
Laura was not in her 60s when she started to write her books.
The 60s look the 60s style is coming back
1min = 60s 6.6min x 60s/min = 396s
The most popular names in the 60s were Thomas, Charles, and Paul.
60s = 1min 1800s x (1min/60s) = 30min
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