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Yes, there were some piracy dealings and a few misunderstandings that have taken place to cause these situation. Of course greed and jealousy were factors for this as well

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Q: Were there free Americans taken as slaves from America from one port taken to another port on slaves ships and sold as slaves there?
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Where were African slaves originally sold?

The African slaves that were transported to America were originally sold by other Africans to the merchant ships landing along the west coast of Africa.

Who were the slaves and how did they get to the US?

African Americans slaves got to America becuase: African tribes where capturing other African tribes and trading them to the whites to become slaves. When the capturing tribes ran out of tribes to capture and trade to the whites, the white captured them and took them back to America. That is how the Africans got to America to become slaves.

Why did africans come to America?

They were forced to come to the America's to work as slaves for the upper-class settlersAnswerAfrica was an impoverished nation.Their people were dying of hunger and disease. The African government brought them into captivity and sold them to America in hopes of prosperity for the country. Not only was this an act of population control but also an attempt to prosper remaining natives... bring money and goods into Africa. America saw this as an opportunity to build their dreams without having to labor so tediously. African American slaves were not the first slaves in America.

Why did the African-Americans move to the us?

Most people who define themselves as African American are descendants or great-great-grand children of African slaves that were sold to slave traders to be brought to America on ships and sold to plantation owners to work in the home or field. So they were brought to America against their will and did not willfully move here. In Africa one tribe would conquer another tribe and make them their slaves or sell them to slave traders.

What are specific hardships the African slaves had?

none the slaves did not own ships

Related questions

Why were the slaves treated like they were on the ships to the Americans?

because the americas didnt like the slaves

Where were slaves on board slave ships taken from?


What was used to bring slaves to America?

ships. of course.

How were slaves taken to America?

By ships, known as slavers.

What are the names of the slave ships that transported slaves to America from Africa in the 1700s?


How did the British transport the slaves to Great Britain?

they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships

What is the island off Senegal where many slaves were loaded onto ships for America?


After leaving Africa where did the ships carrying the slaves sail to?

The Caribbean or the east coast of America.

What is a short sentence for triangular trade?

The Triangular Trade is a route between America The Indies and Britain from which slaves were crammed on ships to be sold in America.

Where slaves originally sold?

The African slaves that were transported to America were originally sold by other Africans to the merchant ships landing along the west coast of Africa.

What was the triangle of trade?

the triangle trade is when ships left from britai traded goods with africans for slaves then to them to America and the west indies and then sold the slaves for cotton and sugar

How were slaves treated when they came to America?

The slaves were treated horribly by a lot of people but some people were not cruel to the slaves. On slave ships coming to America from Africa it was horrible. The slaves were all chained together chained together and were only fed potatoes. The slaves often died on ships. If a slave died on a ship, they would be dumped. The slaves were kept in the lower part of a ship. It lacked anything clean and was full of infection. Some of the slaves attempted to jump over bored to die.