

Were there criminals in the SS?

Updated: 11/1/2022
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13y ago

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It really depends on what your definition of a criminal is; after the war the SS was declared a criminal organisation, so they were all criminals. But yes, for example the commandant of Auschwitz had spent time in prison.

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Q: Were there criminals in the SS?
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How many criminals did Hitler kill?

Don't know for sure but I read once in a article about him from the archives of a very famous historian that he in order to establish law and order during his rule did have criminals killed by the SS and Gestapo for even the slightest of crimes and that too without any proper judicial trials.

Who became kapos in the holocaust?

The Kapos (Capos) were chosen by the SS guards. The prisoners had no say in the matter.

Who was thrown to the lions in the roman coliseum?

Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.

Who was in sent to the camps and who was in charge of running the camps during the holocaust?

Jesus Jews from all over Europe, gypsies,homosexuals,JehovahWitness,Pows,anyresistant fighters,communists,andany one else that looked suspicious to the SS or Gestapo. The camps were run by the SS, there were criminals taken out of prison to work as guards.the detainees were offered more food if they would be guards, I think they were called kampos. somebody correct me if I'm wrong.____________________________Since 1933 the camps were designed to hold criminals and political opponents, they were expanded to take anti-socials, with more laws criminalising different activities, more groups were sent to the camps, these would include Jehovah's witnesses, Homosexuals and trades unionists. After the outbreak of war these types of 'criminals' would arrive from conquored territories, as well as any partisans/resistance fighters who were not executed and eventually Jews.The camps were run by the SS, Kapos were prisoner trustees who would be incharge of ( and responsible for) their barracks, they were generally violent or political prisoners.

How did the criminals take advantage of prohibition?

the criminals would sell alcohol illegally.

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How many criminals did Hitler kill?

Don't know for sure but I read once in a article about him from the archives of a very famous historian that he in order to establish law and order during his rule did have criminals killed by the SS and Gestapo for even the slightest of crimes and that too without any proper judicial trials.

Who became kapos in the holocaust?

The Kapos (Capos) were chosen by the SS guards. The prisoners had no say in the matter.

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Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.

Were there any good Nazis SS?

Not very many, however there may be a few, depending on your definition of "good". The SS is associated with genocide & other war crimes. After the war, few Germans were willing to admit they even served in the Waffen-SS (ground combat forces), and very few would admit they served in the SS Concentation/Death Camp guard units. The SS Camp guards were subject to being tried as war criminals, because of the genocide done there. The Waffen-SS soldiers & leaders could be prosecuted for war crimes if they participated in the killing of civilians or POWs in their custody. Many Waffen-SS units did commit these war crimes, especially on the Eastern Front. There is much more info available in books & internet.

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Lombroso's four categories of criminals are born criminals, insane criminals, occasional criminals, and criminals by passion. Born criminals are those with physical traits suggesting innate criminality, insane criminals have mental disorders, occasional criminals commit crimes out of necessity, and criminals by passion act impulsively due to emotional triggers. Lombroso's theory has been widely criticized for its lack of scientific rigor and stigmatization of certain groups.

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The Criminals ended in 2000.

What does SS mean in SS Maheno?

The 'SS' in 'SS Maheno' stands for 'Steamship'.

Is criminals a verb?

Criminals is a noun, plural of criminal.

Were there any good Nazis?

Not very many, however there may be a few, depending on your definition of "good". The SS is associated with genocide & other war crimes. After the war, few Germans were willing to admit they even served in the Waffen-SS (ground combat forces), and very few would admit they served in the SS Concentation/Death Camp guard units. The SS Camp guards were subject to being tried as war criminals, because of the genocide done there. The Waffen-SS soldiers & leaders could be prosecuted for war crimes if they participated in the killing of civilians or POWs in their custody. Many Waffen-SS units did commit these war crimes, especially on the Eastern Front. There is much more info available in books & internet.

What is the plural of criminals?

Criminals is already plural. The singular is criminal.

When was Cast of Criminals created?

Cast of Criminals was created in 1989.