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Yes, in both countries. The Greek Jewish community was particularly large, especially in Halkidiki, Thessaloniki, and Smyrna (now Turkish Izmir). In the early 1700s, Thessaloniki was actually a majority-Jewish city. However, Greece today only has incidental Jewish populations (less than 1,000 individuals). Denmark never had a large Jewish community and numbers remained smaller than 10,000 Jews at nearly all points in Danish history. Today Denmark has an estimated Jewish population of roughly 8,000 individuals.

Both the Danish and Greek Jewish communities were almost completely eviscerated by the Holocaust. Thankfully, in the case of Denmark, this was because Christian Danes took great pains to help the Danish Jews escape to neutral Sweden and avoid the Holocaust. Some returned afterwards, but others chose to stay in Sweden or migrate elsewhere. The Greeks did not defend their fellow Jews that had fought side by side with them in every Greek War of Independence and in World War II. The Romaniot Jews (a unique Greek Jewish cultural group - as opposed to Ashkenazi or Sephardi) were completely eliminated. Some Turks like Selahattin Ülkümen on Rhodes were the few who rose in defense of Greek Jewry.

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Q: Were there any Jewish people who lived in Greece or Denmark some time ago?
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Where did the Jewish kids hide during world war 2?

Well, in denmark, the Jewish people traveled and lived in Sweden until the war was over.

Why is Phoenicians important?

Phoenicians is important because they are the people of greece. They were the people who lived in greece the inhabitants.

How many people lived in ancient greece-?

There is about 16,000 people that live in Ancient Greece. Greece has a little population.

How many Jewish people lived in Paris?

Paris is the big community of Jewish people after America and Israel, the entire France has about 491000 people and Europe about 1 million.

What countries did the Jewish people live in during the roman empire development?

The Jewish people lived all over the empire during its development. It goes without saying that they lived in Jerusalem and the area that would become Judaea. There were also large Jewish communities in all the major cities, including Rome itself. Alexandria in Egypt had the largest Jewish community outside of Jerusalem.The Jewish people lived all over the empire during its development. It goes without saying that they lived in Jerusalem and the area that would become Judaea. There were also large Jewish communities in all the major cities, including Rome itself. Alexandria in Egypt had the largest Jewish community outside of Jerusalem.The Jewish people lived all over the empire during its development. It goes without saying that they lived in Jerusalem and the area that would become Judaea. There were also large Jewish communities in all the major cities, including Rome itself. Alexandria in Egypt had the largest Jewish community outside of Jerusalem.The Jewish people lived all over the empire during its development. It goes without saying that they lived in Jerusalem and the area that would become Judaea. There were also large Jewish communities in all the major cities, including Rome itself. Alexandria in Egypt had the largest Jewish community outside of Jerusalem.The Jewish people lived all over the empire during its development. It goes without saying that they lived in Jerusalem and the area that would become Judaea. There were also large Jewish communities in all the major cities, including Rome itself. Alexandria in Egypt had the largest Jewish community outside of Jerusalem.The Jewish people lived all over the empire during its development. It goes without saying that they lived in Jerusalem and the area that would become Judaea. There were also large Jewish communities in all the major cities, including Rome itself. Alexandria in Egypt had the largest Jewish community outside of Jerusalem.The Jewish people lived all over the empire during its development. It goes without saying that they lived in Jerusalem and the area that would become Judaea. There were also large Jewish communities in all the major cities, including Rome itself. Alexandria in Egypt had the largest Jewish community outside of Jerusalem.The Jewish people lived all over the empire during its development. It goes without saying that they lived in Jerusalem and the area that would become Judaea. There were also large Jewish communities in all the major cities, including Rome itself. Alexandria in Egypt had the largest Jewish community outside of Jerusalem.The Jewish people lived all over the empire during its development. It goes without saying that they lived in Jerusalem and the area that would become Judaea. There were also large Jewish communities in all the major cities, including Rome itself. Alexandria in Egypt had the largest Jewish community outside of Jerusalem.