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The Germans had been practicing and perfecting Combined Arms tactics and training, following WW1 all the way until WW2 happened, in Russia, I might add with Russian Assistance. America, on the other hand went thru the depression and the last thing on Americas mind, after WW1, was building a modern military.

The Germans had a big head start over the US Military when we were drug into WW2. The Germans had proven that the tanks werent as important, as using combined arms to wage war. they had proven this when they rolled thru France, the French had better tanks, but the Germans had countered with concentrating armour and tactics, Air support, and Artillary. After the American Army got its knocks at kasseine pass, they quickly learned and adapted.

intially you have to admit that the panzer units were very successful, but don't forget that less than 10% of the German army was mechanized when they invaded Russia, The German tanks werent up to the Russian tanks in Armour or Firepower, and the burden for stopping Russian Tank attacks fell to the landser (foot soldier) in the trenches to take on these beast with smoke pots and mines. If lucky a few Stugs might be available to assist or underpowered anti-tank guns.

German tanks were well made and dependable as a rule, whether it was a mark IV, or a Tiger. But the shermans were dependable and numerous and skilled sherman crewman learned to use terrain to get in close, with other shermans, to get the close in kill. Allied fighters and Aritillary contributed greatly, when available.

hopefully i wasnt too long winded and this helps.

To add a little, the Panzers were more powerful and better armored than the most popular American tank, the Sherman. However, Germany produced a small fraction of Panzers to the amount of Shermans the Americans made. So that a one on one battle between a Panzer (especially the powerful late-war Tigers) and a Sherman was pretty much instant death for the Americans, the battles were rarely one on one. In tank battles the more powerful Panzers would be swarmed by the less powerful, but far more numerous Shermans. Another favored tactic was to call in Air support, if available, to knock out any German tanks ahead.

Also, Shermans weren't designed to battle Panzers as much as they were made for infantry support. When Panzers were spotted, usually air strikes or artillery strikes were called in to neutralize them.

So tl/dr, Panzers were better for tank vs. tank battles than Shermans, but American tactics neutralized this advantage because the Army mostly refused to get into tank v. tank battles unless the US tanks greatly outnumbered the German tanks. But usually they'd used other means to destroy them such as tank-buster planes and artillery.

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Q: Were panzers more successful than American tanks in World War 2?
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What were the stages of blitzkrieg?

First off the Ju-78 or Stukas Did their bombing of important positions of enemy like bunkers trains etc. Then The Panzers or tanks went ahead as killed all the infantry. While The mechanised infantry was watching the panzers back. But the attack didnt stop the panzers and planes went ahead while little bit of panzers and infantry stayed at the sides to protect the trucks that resupplied the troops.

Were tanks successful in World War 1?

A tank is a vehicle which is armoured to fight on the front-line. The British invented the tank during World War 1. They got the name tanks from when they were being shipped over to battles. They told people they were water tanks to cover up what they really were. The tanks did have many weaknesses as the British found this out when they first sent them into battle in 1916 as they were sending them into battle one got hit with a shell and was disabled, one broke down and three of the six tanks got bogged but two of them continued their journey towards the enemy lines. The British thought the tanks had been successful in one way this was that they had scared the Germans because they had been disabled straight away, but others were disappointed in their performance. So no they wernt successful in the war and didnt help to win World War 1!

Are American war tanks good or bad?

According to what i know about American tanks during WW2 are that they are pretty much a good tank, one of the few flaw's is that it lacks the equal power of the German tanks.

Did ww1 and World War 2 have tanks?

Yes, both world wars used tanks.

What term was given to Nazi Germany's systematic annihilation of European Jews?

'Blitzkrieg' means lightening war. It was first used by the Germans in World War 2 and was a tactic based on speed and surprise and needed a military force to be based around light tank units supported by planes and infantry. As a tactic it was used to devastating effect in the first years of World War 2 and resulted in the British and French armies being pushed back in just a few weeks to the beaches of Dunkirk and the Russian army being devastated in the attack on Russia in June 1941. It was not directly related to the extermination of the Jews

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Why was the panzer important in World War 2?

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First off the Ju-78 or Stukas Did their bombing of important positions of enemy like bunkers trains etc. Then The Panzers or tanks went ahead as killed all the infantry. While The mechanised infantry was watching the panzers back. But the attack didnt stop the panzers and planes went ahead while little bit of panzers and infantry stayed at the sides to protect the trucks that resupplied the troops.

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It Was in Germany First off the Ju-78 or Stukas Did their bombing of important positions of enemy like bunkers trains etc. Then The Panzers or tanks went ahead as killed all the infantry. While The mechanised infantry was watching the panzers back. But the attack didnt stop the panzers and planes went ahead while little bit of panzers and infantry stayed at the sides to protect the trucks that resupplied the troops.

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First off the Ju-78 or Stukas Did their bombing of important positions of enemy like bunkers trains etc. Then The Panzers or tanks went ahead as killed all the infantry. While The mechanised infantry was watching the panzers back. But the attack didnt stop the panzers and planes went ahead while little bit of panzers and infantry stayed at the sides to protect the trucks that resupplied the troops.

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First off the Ju-78 or Stukas Did their bombing of important positions of enemy like bunkers trains etc. Then The Panzers or tanks went ahead as killed all the infantry. While The mechanised infantry was watching the panzers back. But the attack didnt stop the panzers and planes went ahead while little bit of panzers and infantry stayed at the sides to protect the trucks that resupplied the troops.

What were the stages of blitzkrieg?

First off the Ju-78 or Stukas Did their bombing of important positions of enemy like bunkers trains etc. Then The Panzers or tanks went ahead as killed all the infantry. While The mechanised infantry was watching the panzers back. But the attack didnt stop the panzers and planes went ahead while little bit of panzers and infantry stayed at the sides to protect the trucks that resupplied the troops.

How many American vehicles were there in world war 2?

There were many American vehicles in World War 2. These vehicles included the Army tanks, armored cars, cruiser tanks, infantry tanks, and armored personnel carriers.

What is blitzkrieg tactic?

First off the Ju-78 or Stukas Did their bombing of important positions of enemy like bunkers trains etc. Then The Panzers or tanks went ahead as killed all the infantry. While The mechanised infantry was watching the panzers back. But the attack didnt stop the panzers and planes went ahead while little bit of panzers and infantry stayed at the sides to protect the trucks that resupplied the troops.

What was the impact of German panzer tank on war?

Just part of the natural evolution of modern warfare. Not that big of deal actually, the French tanks in France in 1940 were actually better than the German tanks that conquered them in 1940. The men behind the machines made the difference...not the tanks. The Russian T34 was better than most German panzers in WWII. So what was the German panzers impact on the war? Males just love anything German, no particular reason, just cool stuff.

What tanks were used in World War 2?

Germany- Panzers and LeopardsBritain- US trade tanksCanada- US trade tanksUS- Sherman.Russia- T-34Japan- Tigers and TurtlesSOME of the tanks were the Russian T-34, t-32-T-30. Some of the German tanks were the panther, tiger, panzer III panzer II panzer I panzer IV and tons more panzers. American tanks were the Long tom sherman. British: sherman flametank and mark V large tank. The main types of Tanks used during WW2 was:TankettesLight TanksMedium TanksHeavy TanksTank DestroyerSPA TankThe Allies used the tank the "Sherman" and the Axis used the tanks the "Tiger" and "Panther". Answer:The list is long.Examples -Britain:Matilda ( 1 & II - completely different tanks), A9, A10, A13, Crusader, Cromwell, Churchill, Comet, Valentine.USA:Sherman, Chaffee, Stuart, Grant (or Lee - I can never remember which was the American version and which was the British).Russia:T-34 (two versions), KV (at least 2 versions), several different types of light tank.France:Char B1 bis, Somua 35, Hotchkiss H35 & H39, Renault R35.Germany:Pzkpw (short for Panzerkampfwagen = tank) types I, II, III and IV (all different), Tiger and Panther.Then there were Japanese tanks...

How many american tanks were in world war 2?

During World War 2, the United States produced about 102,000 tanks and SPGs. The main units in production were the M3, M4, M5 and M24.