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Q: Were mentally challenged people drafted in the Vietnam war?
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Related questions

Are there mentally challenged gay people?

No, there isn't any correlation between homosexuality and mentally challenged people.

What year did people get drafted for the Vietnam war?

Americans were drafted into the Vietnam War in 1965.

Can mentally challenged people be in the NHL?


Why are people born mentally challenged?


What is the difference between mentally retarded and mentally challenged?

Same thing. It's just a twist of words. Mentally challenged is a euphemism for mentally retarded.

How were mentally challenged people treated in the 1960s?

They were killed...

How were mentally challenged people treated?

They were treated terribly and had no rights...

Did they really use mentally challenged people in the movie the ringer?

Yes, some of the actors in the movie The Ringer were mentally challenged or another form of disability such as Down Syndrome.

Why do people sit in the priority seat?

Because they are mentally or physically challenged.

Can Mentally retarded patients take Mobic?

Mobic is for arthritis and there is nothing on the Mobic website that says that mentally challenged people can not take it.

Why would people fight for another country in the Vietnam war?

Because they were drafted.

What did the people here in America think about the war in Vietnam?

They didn't want to be drafted for it.