Because they needed more men so the draft was that a law passed having all the men between 18 and 35 to serve in the army for 3 years.
To control his men in battle and to help manage his estates at home. These men needed to be loyal to him, especially in battle.
He needed to consolidate his army.
He was reluctant, but he needed the troops.
nothing they werent
Type your answer here... The Catholic Church was the focus of the Protestant Reformation and was led by which of the following men?
martin luther, john calvin,john knox,
John Calvin and Martin Luther
Priestly Mission means we offer spiritual worship for the glory of God and for the salvation of men.
12 men were needed
they needed food and men
It Means DAT person have a spiritual problem
60,000 people is needed to apply for statehood. black men or women does not count only white men
one flew over the coocoos nest
The Four Holy Men by Albrecht Durer is a painting done in 1526. It was originally done in oils and is one of the best examples of reformation art.
They needed education and the men needed to work.