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Q: Were hospitals during the American revolution dark?
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The workers worked long hours in dark, dusty, DANGEROUS, hot, factories

Why is there an increase in the number of dark colored peppered moths occurred during the industrial revolution?

birds couldn't see the dark-colored moths on the trees darkened by industry.

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As of 2014, there is not a listed cheat for a Dark Dranzer for the game Beyblade G Revolution. This can only be unlocked with gameplay.

What event caused the tree trunks of many trees in England to from light to dark?

Burning of coal during the industrial revolution and later deposited soot on the trees.

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Revolution - 2012 The Dark Tower 1-20 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12 USA:TV-14

Dark nipples and a dark line?

dark nipples" and a "dark line" occurs during preganancy

What did Florence do to be famous?

She became famous because, she saved thousands and thousands of lives during the crimean war! the hospitals back then were in a disgusting manner, blood, poo, rotting limbs were just lying on the bedsheets and the floor, florence helped all the hospitals by washing the floor and sheets, cleaning up wounds and showing the correct way, heal/help someone in need of assistance! During the war she was later known as the lady with the lamp, because as there was no electricity, and it was always dark in the hospitals so, she would carry around a candle, where ever she went! she was a real hero!

Can an American person have black colored hair?

just dark dark brown.

Dark period in American history?

One dark period in American history is the Japanese internment during World War II, where over 100,000 Japanese Americans were forcibly removed from their homes and placed in internment camps. This violation of their civil liberties and human rights highlights a troubling chapter of discrimination and prejudice in the United States.

Why did Florence Nightingale become famous?

She became famous because, she saved thousands and thousands of lives during the crimean war! the hospitals back then were in a disgusting manner, blood, poo, rotting limbs were just lying on the bedsheets and the floor, florence helped all the hospitals by washing the floor and sheets, cleaning up wounds and showing the correct way, heal/help someone in need of assistance! During the war she was later known as the lady with the lamp, because as there was no electricity, and it was always dark in the hospitals so, she would carry around a candle, where ever she went! she was a real hero!

What did men wear in the French Revolution?

Whatever they could find, generally. However, the true mark of the lower classes was that their men wore trousers rather than knee-breeches. Since the latter were called CULOTTES, the underclass were SANS-CULOTTES

Is it likely that a dark colored moths existed before the Industrial Revolution?

Yes, dark colored moths likely existed before the Industrial Revolution. The dark coloration in moths can be attributed to genetic variations that provide camouflage against predators, regardless of human-induced environmental changes.