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Italy and Germany were two of the Axis Powers. The US was one of the Allies.

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Q: Were Italy Germany and the US members of the Axis Powers in World War 2?
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What are three members of the Axis Powers?

Germany, Italy, JapanIn World War 2, the 3 major Axis powers were: Germany, Italy, and Japan.

What were two countries that were members of the Axis powers during World War 2?

Germany, Japan, Italy.

Who was fighting with Germany in world war 2?

The three major members of the axis powers were Gemany, Italy and Japan

Three members of the axis?

Germany, Japan & Italy. They were the AXIS powers (vs. the Allies) in World War II.

Who were the three axis powers?

The three main axis powers in World War 2 were Germany, Italy and Japan.

How Italy betrayed Germany and Italy in World War 1?

they joined the allied powers.

What was the Axis powers in World War 2?

Germany, Italy, Japan.

Axis powers World War 2?

Germany , Italy and Japan .

Who were the 3 members of the Axis during World War 2?

Well first off Germany was the main country in the axis powers but joined by Japan, and Italy

Who were America enemies during World War 2?

The main enemies of the U.S. and Allied Powers during World War 2 were Germany, Japan, and Italy.

Countries were a member if the axis powers during World War 2?

The Axis nations of WW2 were Germany, Japan and Italy.

Who were the two men who headed the Axis powers of Germany and Italy in World War 2?

Adolph hitler for Germany and Mussolini for italy