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No . . . Australia is a loyal ally to Great Britain.

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Q: Were Britain a loyal ally to Australia?
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Related questions

How and why did Australia lose Britain as an ally?

Australia has not lost Britain as an ally.

How did autralian come involved in World War 2?

The Australian Prime Minister felt that as a loyal British ally ,Australia had to stand shoulder to shoulder with Britain.

Was Australia an ally to Great Britain?

Easy answer, Yes. Australia and Britain were/are allies as Britain was once seen as a "Mother Country" and promised to always help Australia if they were ever introuble, as did Australia for Britain.

What war did Australia turn away from Britain and towards America as an ally?


Was Australia an ally or axis force during World War 2?

Australia fought in WW2 as an ally of Great Britain in both the European and pacific parts of WW2. Australia made its forces and its infrastructure available in the war against the Germans and the Japanese.

Who was in Australia's side and who was against Australia?

Australia fought with Great Britain and her ally the USA. They fought against the Japanese Empire and Nazi Germany but the majority of Australia's fighting was based in the Pacific.

Which British dominions were loyal to Great Britain in both world wars?

Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Who was New Zealand's ally in World War 2?

New Zealand was an ally to "the allies" i.e Great Britain, USA, Australia, most of the Nordic countries and numerous others from Europe and the pacific.

Why are the people of Nunavut as well as the people of Australia loyal to Queen Elizabeth of great Britain?

Because Queen Elisabeth II is Queen of Great Britain and Queen of the Commonwealth countries, which include Australia and Nanavut among others.

Why did Australia go to war?

Because Australia is an ally of Great Britain. Since Great Britain wanted to go into War, Britain needed more power, and with more power, they needed more people. So Great Britain increased its power by getting all Commonwealth Countries to fight on the Allies side.

Besides Britain name another Canadian ally of world war 1?

Australia, New Zealand the US or the French, possibly the Russians

Did loyalist support Britain?

they were loyal to Britain.