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They were mostly poor, and even the rich were not wealthy by Roman standards. Most farmers scratched out a living on a hectare of land, on which they had to grow food for their large families. This land was to small to subdivide amongst several sons, which explains why the Greek cities established hundreds of colony cities around the Mediterranean and Black seas - exporting their surplus populations.

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12y ago

Well truth be told ancient Greece was rich and poor. They had more poor people than rich. So it is partly a rich country but the percentage of poor is greater. The poor had to get two jobs to make a living but they still didnt get half the money the rich had.

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7y ago

Its agricultural land was poor, and they used trade to supplement it. Even their richest farmers were only three times better off than the poorer ones. Compare that with today's billionaires versus lowest level workers.

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they were rich because of there agriculture

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Q: Were Ancient Egyptians Rich or poor?
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