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Yes it did vary but pretty much a slave has the same meaning. A slave was condidered to be the property of someone else. They had no rights.They were held against their will and forced to do what their master said. Depending on how your master was you might had had it a little better than others. But pretty much all slaves had it bad.

Well it varied from country to country and owner to owner of course but my understanding is that they were generally treated much worse elsewhere. Although it should be noted that the other countries which practiced black slavery were mostly able to end the practice before we did and do it peacefully. The major exception being Haiti in which slavery was ended by the slaves themselves in a massive and bloody rebellion. Michael Montagne


At least the descendants of black slaves in the British and Dutch West Indies got to run their own countries. Although the US has now got a black president he is not the descendant of plantation slaves a fact that people have overlooked.

they were treated bad at Spain hHahj

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Q: Were African slaves in the rest of the world treated better or worse than slaves in the US?
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Why did the African slaves move to American?

they were sold by the kings and queens of Africa and then brought all over the world as slaves

Where all slaves from Africa?

In early America, mostly. In the world, absolutely not. Our word "slave" comes from the world "slav," a European (white) people who were apparently taken as slaves a lot back in the day. Slaves could also be captured enemy soldiers of any nation, especially in the ancient world, when slavery was extremely common. Later on, kidnapping African tribesmen became the most profitable form of slavery.

How were slaves treated in the ancient world?

While the practice of slavery was common throughout the ancient world, its character varied tremendously from society to society, even within the same society. Slaves could be treated very poorly, as though they were disposable or mere property; slaves might also be valued and treated as trusted members of the family. Some slaves could earn their freedom, while others could not. Some slaves were forced to perform menial labor (such as in mines or aboard galley-vessels), other slaves worked as public servants and even in the armies of their masters, and yet others served as respected teachers or physicians.

How were slaves treated good or bad?

slaves are always treated badlyAnswer:Many ancient civilizations had codified the treatment of slave. The bible (a Christian Holy Book) defines who may be enslaved, how they must be treated, how long they could be held as slaves, punishments for mistreating slaves, etc.). In the American South the popular view is that slaves were always mistreated. Slaves were however valuable property and a wise owner had to strike a balance between protecting his investment and output. In today's world where slavery still exists (for labour, soldiers or as sexual objects) slaves are often "free" to the taker and are used as disposable items.

Where in the New World were the majority of African slaves sent?

The majority were off-loaded in the Caribbean islands to work on the sugar plantations.

Related questions

How were slaves in the Bahamas treated by their masters?

They were treated badly but generally better than most other slave communities in the New World.

Who were Alonzo Henson Chloe spear and Josiah waddle?

Former slaves who became important in the African American business and social world

Where were African slaves first brought to work?

The first African slaves used by Europeans were used by the Portuguese, on the island of Sao Tome, to grow sugarcane. The Spanish were the first to use African slaves in the Americas (in the Caribbean), and the first English colony to use African slaves was Jamestown, Virginia (which was the first English colony in the New World). However, long before Europeans used African slaves, the Africans had slaves who were African!

Why did the African slaves move to American?

they were sold by the kings and queens of Africa and then brought all over the world as slaves

What year did slaves first arrive in the new world from Africa?

The first African slaves arrived in Hispaniola in 1501.

Did African slaves usually enjoyed their trip from Africa to the New World?


How were african-canadian soldiers treated during world war 2?


Who were the two groups of people brought to the new world for free?

servants and African slaves.

Are African people still slaves?

Yes, African people are still slaves, there are people that control people that are not that powerful, because they think that just because they have more power then the other people, they think that they can control them, so you always have to remember that African people are not then only people that are slaves, in other countrys there are slaves too. Alway REMEMBER, that there are MANY slaves around the WORLD. :) Thxx :)

In order to better control thee leaders of their conquest in the new world the spanish government created what?

In order to better control the leaders of their conquests in the New World, the Spanish government created a feudal system. Members of a tribe were treated as slaves after the leaders were captured and taken hostage by the Spaniards.

Where all slaves from Africa?

In early America, mostly. In the world, absolutely not. Our word "slave" comes from the world "slav," a European (white) people who were apparently taken as slaves a lot back in the day. Slaves could also be captured enemy soldiers of any nation, especially in the ancient world, when slavery was extremely common. Later on, kidnapping African tribesmen became the most profitable form of slavery.

How were African American solders treated during world war 1?

very badly