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Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.

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Q: Wellington is the capital of what country?
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Which is the capital of newzealand?

The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. It is located on the southern tip of the North Island. Wellington is the political and cultural center of the country.

What is the capital of our rwc country?

At the RWC is in New Zealand then the capital is Wellington

What is the country's capital city in New Zealand?

Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.

What places in nz have been capital of nz?

Auckland was the capital of New Zealand from 1840 until 1865, when the capital was moved to Wellington due to its more central location in the country. Wellington has been the capital ever since.

Why does the north Island have the most population?

It contain Auckland and Wellington which is the economy capital and the country capital : D

What county's capital is Wellington?

Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand.

Is Wellington a national capital?

Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand.

When did Wellington become the capital?

Wellington became the capital of NZ in 1865

What is the capital city of New Zea land?

The capital city of New Zealand is Wellington. It is located at the southern tip of the North Island and serves as the country's political and cultural center.

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What is the capital of Neuziland?

Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand.

What country has Wellington as capital city?

It was originally Kororareka (Russell) in the Bay of Islands - Where the first main European settlement was. It was moved to Auckland as this was a growing European settlement (the largest at the time) so better to serve a greater population. With continued migration, it was shifted to Wellington so that it was more central to the whole country.