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Q: Wegener's supercontinent is known as
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What is the name of Alfred wegeners super continent?

Alfred Wegener's supercontinent is called Pangaea.

What was wegener's supercontinent known as?

Wegener's supercontinent was known as Pangaea.

How do you get wegeners disease?

There is no known reason for getting Wegeners disease. Your own immune system attacks vital organs. Doctor's don't know what causes it but found early Wegeners disease can become under control.

What was India known as when the supercontinent Pangaea started to break?


What was it called when all continents were together?

Pangaea. It was known as the supercontinent.

What do you call when all the continents are stuck together?

When all the continents are stuck together, it is called a supercontinent. The most recent supercontinent is known as Pangaea.

What is name of all the continents put together before if was named Pangaea?

Before it was named Pangaea, all the continents were part of a supercontinent known as "Rodinia." This supercontinent existed during the Neoproterozoic era, around 1.3 billion years ago.

What did he call the super continent?

I'm not sure who 'he' is but the supercontinent was known as Pangea

What were Alfred wegeners accomplishments of his life?

Alfred Wegener is best known for developing the theory of continental drift, proposing that the continents were once joined together in a single supercontinent called Pangaea. He also made contributions to meteorology and polar research, and participated in several expeditions to Greenland. Wegener's work laid the foundation for the modern theory of plate tectonics.

What is the oldest known supercontinent?

The oldest known supercontinent is Rodinia, which formed around 1.3 billion years ago and began to break up around 750 million years ago. Rodinia is believed to have been the precursor to the formation of other supercontinents, such as Pangaea.

What is the latest supercontinent?

The most recent supercontinent is known as Pangaea, which existed about 335 million years ago and began to break apart around 175 million years ago.

Why did other scientists not accept Alfred Wegeners theory?

why did other scientist not accpet Alfred Wegeners theory