They had to fight in the Revolutionary War as well as help pay for it.
The word "providing" does not compute in this sentence.
war affect us in many ways it makes the economy to go down, pay higher taxes and raise the gas prices.
4-H Clubs, Conservation Corps, building dams, etc. ways of getting "out of work" men back into doing something constructive, for pay.
Tripoli declared war on the United States after the US refused to pay a bribe.
The American's help pay for World War 2 in many ways. American's put a sending budget to help.
We should concentrate on ways to prevent the catastrophe of war.
Several ways. Confiscation of gold just before the war. The sale of War Bonds during the war. Inflation after the war. The US government paid for World War 2 by taking money from the economy of the surrounding states. This money was used to make supplies for the war.
anyone know two ways that war can be avoided.
You can pay your insurance premiums in many ways. Usually, you can pay it with a company plan (if you work), through cash, or credit card.
Ticketmaster accepts a variety of ways to pay for tickets. The two primary ways to pay on Ticketmaster are as follows: credit card and virtual trade (such as Paypal). They also accept debit cards.
what was sold i n the U.S. to pay for the world war 2
They had to fight in the Revolutionary War as well as help pay for it.
The word "providing" does not compute in this sentence.
pay it off
Countries pay for weapons and pay the army
Germany had to pay £6600million as reperations