

Was trotsky a good man

Updated: 8/23/2023
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12y ago

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He was a communist, but he actually cared about his country. Leon Trotsky was going to be leader of the Soviet Union- but Stalin managed to lie to get him punished for crimes he didnt commit. If trotsky would have become leader the country would still be around, and Hitler would have been crushed within months of annexing Austria.

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7y ago

Leon Trotsky was a man who fed millions, housed thousands, and killed thousands as well. He organized a militia to protect the nation he helped form from outside invasion. Though his Marxist based ideals, known as Trotskyism, were more supportive of Democratic thought then that of his comrades, many people found themselves supportive of Trotsky's philosophy.

Leon Trotsky was one of Vladimir Lenin's, the leader of the Bolsheviks Party, closest friends and colleges. Both Trotsky and Lenin lead the Bolsheviks Party in the overthrow of the Russian Provisional government. This government had forced Czar Nicolas Romanov to yield his power and step down.

The idea that Trotsky, Lenin and the Bolsheviks freed the Russian people from the bonds of monarchy is a false narrative.

Once the new Soviet Union was formed, Trotsky made it his goal to protect the people he had just help emancipate by forming the Red Army, the Soviet Union's national ground militia. The Red Army would see it's first taste of war in 1919 with the Polish-Soviet War after the Polish Offensive deliberately attacked Soviet Ukraine.

The Polish-Soviet War also introduced a young revolutionary from Georgia by the name of Josef Stalin. Stalin would quickly rise in the ranks and gain much attention from the Soviet government. With his rise in power also came the rise of his own Marxist theory, Stalinism.

In 1924, Vladimir Lenin died and Josef Stalin assumed power as the Premier of the Soviet Union. Stalinism was quickly set in place which was the literal opposite of what Trotskyism stood for in Marxist theory. After much debate and multiple conflicts between Stalin and Trotsky, Stalin exiled Leon Trotsky from the Soviet Union and then set up his atrocity known as Stalinism officially in the Soviet Union.

Trotsky was murdered in Mexico not long after being banished by order of Stalin. Stalin had called for the assassination of Trotsky. And, Trotsky was killed by another Marxist-Communist.

In the world of political extremism, revolutions and set in the time frame of the first half of the 20th century, the question of a good or evil Trotsky has no bearing.

With that said, the question is a moot one.

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11y ago

because he was a genii

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She was a famous pirate! A guy called Leon trotsky! She was very good! Hope this is good advice, and thanks!