

Was thomas becket a priest

Updated: 10/27/2022
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14y ago

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he was Archbishop of Canterbury when he died in 1170

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Q: Was thomas becket a priest
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What were the names of thomas Becketts children?

yes he had two children (one newborn and one todler)

Who were Saint Thomas Becket's children?

Thomas Becket was a priest and not married nor did he have any children. However, King Henry did send his son Henry to live with Thomas and the son said that Thomas showed him more love and compassion that did his actual father.

Did Saint Thomas Becket have kids?

Thomas Becket was a priest and not married nor did he have any children. However, King Henry did send his son Henry to live with Thomas and the son said that Thomas showed him more love and compassion that did his actual father.

Was Thomas Becket a missionary saint?

No, Thomas Becket was not a missionary.

When was Thomas Becket born?

Thomas Becket was born on December 21, 1118.

Who wanted Thomas Becket dead?

Nobody actually knows but after a fight with Thomas Becket, the King said 'Who will rid me of this troublesome priest' 6 guards took this as an order to kill him so they went and killed him. It is not known whether the King said 'Who will rid me of this troublesome priest' out of a fit of rage or whether he really wanted him dead!

In what cathedral did Thomas becket die?

Canterbury cathedral was the location of the martyrdom of St Thomas Becket.

What was Thomas becket's middle name?

Thomas Becket's middle name was Edward.

What is Thomas Becket's birthday?

Thomas Becket was born on December 21, 1118.